On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 07:09:00PM +0000, Dave Harris wrote:
> The benefit is encapsulated single-step construction without unnecessary 
> copying. As far I can tell, you have in mind either:
>     MyMember member1, member2;
>     ar >> member1 >> member2;
>     const MyClass mine( member1, member2 );
> or perhaps:
>     MyMember load_myclass( basic_iarchive &ar ) {
>         MyMember member1, member2;
>         ar >> member1 >> member2;
>         return MyClass( member1, member2 );
>     }
>     const MyClass mine( load_myclass( ar ) );
> Both of these involve extra copying. The first involves breaking 
> encapsulation of MyClass, because the caller needs to know about all of 
> MyClass's members. The second is more encapsulated (at the cost of yet 
> more copying of the data) but still has load_myclass() doing the work that 
> really belongs in the constructor. 

I think you may be interested to run this program:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct A {
        const int y;

        A() { cout << "Construct" << endl; }
        A(const A& a) { cout << "Copy" << endl; }
        ~A() { cout << "Destroy" << endl; }

        A(int x) : y(x) { cout << "Explicit construct" << endl; }

A foo() {
        int somevar = 3;
        return A(somevar);

int main() {
        A boo = foo();
        return 0;

Observe the *absence* of copies.
Therefore both examples you give above only need to copy the constructor
parameters, never the object. I am using g++ 2.95.4 and 3.2, however I think
this behaviour is also in VC++ and possibly specified in the standard.

> Constructors should construct. With the single-step approach, a load 
> function (if desired) could look like:
>     void MyClass::load( basic_iarchive &ar ) {
>         MyClass( ar ).swap( *this );
>     }

*This* might copy three times. (at least two)
So, no better, and probably worse than above.

> > Your method would require that every class that uses serialization
> > and but no default constructor have code in it that knows about
> > archives.  Non intrusive serialization could be be implemented in
> > this case.  

That is not the case; his solution allows making the serialization method as
a template specialization. It could construct the object however necessary.

> Incidently, for some classes the MyClass( MyMember, MyMember ) constructor 
> would have to be added specifically for serialisation anyway. We are 
> serialising the /internals/ of the class. Those internals won't 
> necessarily form part of the public interface.

I think you have a really good point here. :-)
OTOH, there is nothing he can do about this case.
This is the price of data hiding.

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