
posts where the quoted text you are replying to is only /sometimes/
preceded with '>' are very hard to follow, and make the job of review
manager very difficult, since it becomes impossible to analyze the
discussion. Would you mind re-posting this with consistent quoting?

Robert Ramey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> 3. Does not work on all platforms
> =================================
> Running the test program on MacOS X 10.2 (using gcc 3.1) gives:
> *** testing native binary archive
> ./../boost/serialization/archive.hpp:986: failed assertion `is.good()'
> Abort
> It thus seems there are problems with the binary streams. Note that  
> under
> Darwin (FreeBSD in general?), the binary specification is just ignored  
> as
> can be read on the man page for fopen:
>      The mode string can also include the letter ``b'' either as a third  
> char-
>       acter or as a character between the characters in any of the  
> two-charac-
>       ter strings described above.  This is strictly for compatibility  
> with
>       ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (``ISO C89'') and has no effect; the ``b'' is  
> ignored.
> These problems need to be sorted out, but I do not consider them urgent  
> since a redesign of the binary archives is urgently needed beforehand.
>>We should discuss whether to use short, int, long ... as the primitive  
>>types or int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t. The latter makes it easier to  
>>write portable archives, the former seems more natural. I can accept both  
>>choices but we should not mix the two as is done now
> the archive interface addresses all fundamental types.  These are
> char, unsigned int, int, etc....  and int64_t and uint64_t .  Other types


                       David Abrahams
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