[Apologies to the computer scientist who came up with that phrase (w.r.t. GOTOs)]

I haven't looked at the serialization library that was just up for review, but some of the comments I saw on this list suggested that the archive classes use virtual operators for reading or writing the basic types. I have a book called _C++ FAQs_ (2nd ed.) that has a blurb about a virtual assignment operator. I think the concept is too funky because:

1. You have no choice about an operator's interface, even if that interface isn't the best for inheritance.
2. The dispatch interactions could introduce subtleties.

I have a better idea: use the "concrete function calls a virtual function" idiom. Maybe it could be like:

class my_writer

// The main writing functions; they secretly call their private
// do_write version;
my_writer & operator <<( char x );
my_writer & operator <<( signed char x );
my_writer & operator <<( unsigned char x );
my_writer & operator <<( signed short x );
my_writer & operator <<( unsigned short x );
my_writer & operator <<( unsigned x );
my_writer & operator <<( int x );
my_writer & operator <<( unsigned long x );
my_writer & operator <<( signed long x );
my_writer & operator <<( float x );
my_writer & operator <<( double x );
my_writer & operator <<( long double x );
my_writer & operator <<( wchar_t x );

#ifdef Long-Longs
my_writer & operator <<( unsigned long long x );
my_writer & operator <<( signed long long x );

my_writer & operator <<( void *x );

// do cv-variants too; all of them call the void* version
template < typename T >
my_writer & operator <<( T *x );

// don't do this, explode T for char, signed char, unsigned char,
// and wchar_t; they determine the string length, then call the
// same private do_write function the singleton versions do
template < typename T >
my_writer & write_as_string( T *x );

// don't do this, use the N-argument only and explode T for
// each basic type; they call the same private do_write function
// the singleton versions do
template < typename T, std::size_t N >
my_writer & write_as_array( T (&a)[N] );

// don't do this, explode T for each basic type
// (actually, you can't do this since virtual & templates don't mix)
template < typename T >
virtual void do_write( T *a, std::size_t n = 1 );

Remember that this idiom allows pre- and post-processing around the virtual call, without the override's author being able to (accidentally) kill that processing.


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