Eric Woodruff wrote:


> * Support for Event-Driven and Blocking sockets This one should go
> without saying. The event-driven support can trivially be provided
> in the pure socket interface and easily created using tools like
> boost::signals or boost::function.
> ** Thread Pool For event-driven sockets, a thread per socket can
> sometimes be wasteful, so there may be support for using a thread
> pool that monitors for events on the sockets in an application.

And I think it would be really important to provide a clean interaction model between the socket library and the thread library and a clean solution to the problems that keep on coming up again and again when doing socket programming. From the top of my head:

- How to interupt a thread waiting on some socket event (synchronous and asynchronous) from another thread?

- How do you wait for more than just socket events? Thread conditions, window messages, ...

I'm sure there are other things.


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