"David B. Held" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "David Abrahams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> [...]
>> Volunteering the boost moderators for more work is always the last
>> resort of the desperate <wink>
> Heh, heh...actually, I was thinking that you probably didn't want just
> anybody going around representing Boost.

Legally speaking, we may already have that circumstance ;-)

>> [...]
>> It would be very interesting if someone would emerge from the
>> community who was willing to set up and coordinate such a panel
>> (hint, hint).
>> [...]
> I'd be more than happy to do such a thing if I had the remotest inkling
> of how to go about it, and the connections and clout to make it possible.
> As it is, I'm afraid I have exactly zero of the above.

Point taken.

Here's something practical that any of us can probably contribute to.
Diane Cabell (Associate Director, Berkman Center for Internet &
Society, Harvard Law School) suggested was that we could go through
the lists of licenses at:


and make a lay-person's evaluation to see if any of these stood a
chance of being appropriate for Boost. If we could get one person to
summarize each of the licenses w.r.t. the Boost license requirements,
I think we'd stand a great chance of narrowing the field of candidates
to a reasonable number relatively quickly. This would make the process
go much more smoothly and quickly when the Berkman Center's volunteer
is actually prepared to start working with us.

Just as a way of testing the waters, I'd like to hear from anyone who
would be willing to review and summarize one or more licenses. If
you're willing to contribute a paragraph or so about a candidate
license, please volunteer as part of this thread.

To get the ball rolling, I'm willing to volunteer to take on 3
licenses at this time.


P.S. Perhaps a set of Wiki pages would be a good way to pursue this.

                       David Abrahams
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.boost-consulting.com
Boost support, enhancements, training, and commercial distribution

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