On Sat, 07 Dec 2002 17:16:42 +0100, Gennaro Prota

>On 07 Dec 2002 12:26:35 +0100, Gabriel Dos Reis
>>  The result of the expression reinterpret_cast<T>(v) is the result of
>>  converting the expression v to type T. [...]
>Are you saying you really understand what that phrase means?

To avoid a possible misunderstanding: I was not attacking you, that
would be the last straw. It's _the sentence_ that is IMHO a little
meaningless; I think it's just a rough, informal description (sort of
preamble) of what is specified in the subsequent paragraphs.

Well, in fact those subsequent paragraphs intentionally give very few
guarantee, and reinterpret_cast<void*> is exactly one of the cases
which are left unspecified (the guarantee of 5.2.10/7 concerns casting
to pointers to *object types*). So I guess there's not much room for
proving your equivalence.


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