> #    File: ..\libs\test\src\execution_monitor.cpp
> # -----------------------------------------------
> #     157:      case _CRT_ASSERT:
> #   Error:           ^^^^^^^^^^^
> #   undefined identifier '_CRT_ASSERT'
> ### mwcc Compiler:
> #     161:      case _CRT_ERROR:
> #   Error:           ^^^^^^^^^^
> #   undefined identifier '_CRT_ERROR'

What kind of C runtime hooks metrowerks supports?

> Errors caused tool to abort.
>     call "c:\tools\cwpro8.3\Other Metrowerks Tools\Command 
> Line Tools\cwenv.bat" -quiet 

Could I get these command line tools somewhere to install on my local PC for
testing of Boost.Test?

> #    From: ..\libs\test\src\test_tools.cpp
> # ----------------------------------------
> #      53:      void            short_report( std::ostream& where_to_,
size_t indent_ = 0 );    // short
> #   Error:
> #   declaration syntax error


[...very strange error messages skiped]

I will try to look into it, if I get an access to this compiler.
I was able to test with MSVC6.5, BCC command line, GCC3.2

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