Alkis Evlogimenos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi boosters,
> I installed version 7.0 of the intel compiler for the nightly linux 
> regression. I still have version 6.0 installed as I will be running the 
> regression on that compiler too. But it seems that for some reason that I 
> haven't been able to track down, Boost.Build always picks version 7.0 of the 
> compiler.
> I use the following toolset jamfiles:
> bjam is loading variables from the /opt/intel/compiler70/ia32/bin/ 
> script when using the intel-linux60 toolset... Any ideas on why?

Yeah, I do.  I just checked in some changes to the intel-linux
toolset.  Could you check them out and see if they fix your problem?

                       David Abrahams
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