From: "Beman Dawes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> How about these member functions (in addition to what()):
>     int         native_error() const { return m_sys_err; }
>      // Note: a value of 0 implies a library (rather than system) error
>     error_code  error() const { return m_err; }
>     const string & function() const;
>       // name of the function throwing the exception

Could this be char const * function() const? It seems that if you can return
a reference to a string, you can return a char const *? Or perhaps the
intent was to return a string by value.

>     const path & path1() const; // argument 1 to function; may be empty()
>     const path & path2() const; // argument 2 to function; may be empty()

What would the implications be if we changed these to return 'char const *'
or 'string' to eliminate the dependency on 'path'?

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