Since I was fairly recently starting with MPL, I thought I would
chime in here.  

If MPL had to be installed and configured, then I would be more
concerned with a Hello, World example.  In my opinion, the point of
Hello, World type programs was just to verify that your toolchain was
set up properly and that you could get anything to work at all. 
Since MPL is just a bunch of header files, the problems you're going
to run into are compiler compatability problems, and I doubt that
Hello, World will really expose those.  For example, when I ran into
the nested template limit, my program was more involved than Hello,
World.    If there are other compiler switches that need to be set
for "real world" MPL programs to work on various compilers, then a
sample that stresses those would be useful.  Compile this and you're
ready to rock'n'roll kind of example.  

Along those lines, figuring out what headers to include and
namespaces to use was troublesome.  Since there's no blanket coverage
available, a simple example will be of no help here.  We'll have to
trust to the documentation staying up to date.

For motivitating "Why MPL?" and educational purposes, I think that
longer examples are entirely appropriate.  Not that I have a good
one!  Cheers-


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