>From: "John Maddock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I've tried to compile something which uses std::wstring on GCC 3.2
> (MinGW),
> > but I get the following error at link-time:
> >
> > undefined reference to `std::basic_string<wchar_t,
> > std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::basic_string()'
> >
> > Using std::string works fine. Doesn't GCC 3.2 support wide character
> > strings? BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING isn't set for it. Is there any other way,
> > using Boost.Config, that I can detect this?
> If you're getting a linker error then it sounds like a build problem in
> libstdc++ libs, you might want to try a mingw32 mailing list for this one,
> and let us have the definitive answer, before we start modifying
> boost.config.

Right. It appears to be a MinGW related problem, as I've heard from others
who had the same problem.

Also, when testing for _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T on MinGW, it's conspicuously
absent, and, searching on Google, I found this posting
(http://www.geocrawler.com/mail/msg.php3?msg_id=9057201&list=6013) from
June, 2002:

"wide char streams aren't fully supported yet in new libstdc++.a.  I'm
working on it."

Even if this may be fixed now in the Linux version of GCC, as was said in
this thread, it may be that the MinGW version lags behind. I've asked at the
MinGW site (the mailing list archive didn't work, so I posted in the
bugtracker, instead), and will get back with any reply.



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