bjam has a useful "subinclude" feature, but the regression test status reporting programs were not able to track subincludes, so use of the feature was discouraged.

Dave Abrahams has made improvements to tools/build/testing.jam so that more subinclude path information is available to reporting programs, and I've changed the reporting programs accordingly. As well as enabling the use of the subinclude feature, these changes should improved regression test robustness slightly.

The regression test status/Jamfile now uses subincludes for two libraries, filesystem and Boost.Test. The lines:

subinclude libs/filesystem/test ;
subinclude libs/test/test ;

Are all that appear in status/Jamfile. The actual tests appear in Jamfiles in the indicated directories.

This allows developers to run tests only on their own libraries (by running bjam in libs/my-lib/test) without having to maintain a separate copy of the tests in status/Jamfile.

This should both ease test maintenance and improve regression test robustness.

It would be helpful for developers to migrate their tests to the subinclude approach as time permits.



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