Dirk Gerrits wrote:
Vladimir Prus wrote:

David Abrahams wrote:

Vladimir Prus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I'd prefer the latter variant, so that non-broken platforms use more natural
syntax. Another question is whether we could use only the second version.
Theoretically, if you call the second version on const string, then InputT
should be deduced as "const string". You can then write a simple wrapper to
select const_iterator or iterator.

The only problem is, IIRC, borland drops "const" on template arguments
sometimes, and that's not possible to fix. Also, the "simple wrapper"
requires partial specialization. So, I'm not sure this approach is
viable, either.

There are mostly-transparent solutions.  Something like:

    // find_first sequence const version
    template< typename InputT, typename SearchT >
    inline iterator_range< typename InputT::const_iterator >
    find_first_impl( const InputT& Input, const SearchT& Search, 0 )

I'm guessing the last parameter should be "int"?

Shouldn't it be long? I think I saw overload pairs in some Boost header (from Boost Python I believe) where one overload had a dummy int parameter and one overload had a dummy long parameter.

I assumed it was to workaround the partial ordering bug but I'm not 100% sure. But Dave's upcoming reply should clarify things. ;)
David Abrahams wrote:
> No, sorry. It should be "..."

Ahh, OK.

Dirk Gerrits

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