Terje Slettebø wrote:
> > Just to make sure: Do you "vote" in favor of enums? I have seen problems
> > with 'static const ...', but I have never seen problems with enums
> > (although they theoretically exist).
> Not just theoretically. As mentioned in an earlier posting in this thread,
> BCC doesn't work well with enums, but it does work with static const. Also,
> there's the issues pointed out by Paul Mensonides, due to the fact that
> enums are UDTs.

Sorry, I should have been more exact. Of course we can only choose a
"default" implementation. If a compiler is buggy, we need to work-around
anyway. The drawback of enums, mentioned by Paul, is the one I call
theoretically, as I have never found this to be a problem in the real
world (well, in *my* real world :). A problem like this can be *created*
but special code which I have yet to see in "normal" programs. OTOH I
have already seen a colleage wondering about link-failures due to
passing a 'static const int ...' to a function which took a 'const T&'.
I consider this much more likely to happen in daily programming, YMMV :)

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Frey

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