[2003-01-16] David Abrahams wrote:

>Ulrich Eckhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Wednesday 15 January 2003 15:49, you wrote:
>>> At 04:25 AM 1/15/2003, Steven Kirk wrote:
>>>  >windows. Judging by the naming convention used by the other current
>>>  >libraries, shouldn't this library be called "libboost_filesystem.lib"?
>>> Yes, I guess. I'll add it to the do list.
>> Isn't there a big flaw in that naming-convention ? It means I can't
install a 
>> version compiled for different compilers due to their differing ABIs. 
>> Therefore, I'd rather go for
>>   libboost_<name>_<ABI-tag>-version.lib
>> 'name' being 'filesystem' in this case and 'ABI-tag' an identifier for
>> compiler, possibly including the stdlib. (note: STLport already uses such
>> scheme, I'd prefer just stealing their ABI-tags if there are no good
>> to do otherwise).
>You're probably right.  We don't have a system to do that right now,
>but it's probably a pretty easy change.

Not totally right... It should be:


Putting the version at the end is somewhat standard. And in my current case
of OpenBSD required.

I could easily do this in BBV1:


The "boost_<name>" part is up to the library authors. If no one has

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