Gennadiy Rozental wrote:

> > > > It is not necessary. You program will be given *string*
> > > > "(0,1) (1,3)" and
> > > > can parse it using more powerfull means. I guess Spirit
> is quite
> > > > appropriate.
> > >
> > > I provide a way to parse it with very simple means.
> >
> > Spirit actually _is_ simple :-)
> >
> > Regards Hartmut
> I don't argue that. (Unfortunately) I am not familiar with
> Spirit enough to judge. What I sad is that I *also* provide a
> means to implement such parsing logic pretty easy. What would
> be more convinient, easier, more appropriate in every
> concreate case depends on several factors. One of them is
> whether or not you familiar with Spirit.

Why reinvent the wheel and not reuse existing code, which is much more
flexible (and _you_ are the one, who stresses flexibility) and better
fits into the task to solve. I like the way Valodiya solves this: a
clear, streamlined but extensible library with a simple but powerful
interface. If I need cla parsing (quite simple or more elabourated - as
in your geometry sample), I can write my own parsers and make them fit
into the picture seemless without any headache. I do not expect from the
cla framework to do the parsing for me, it should return strings
associated with keys (which are strings too) from different locations
(cla, cfg file, registry etc.). That's all.

Just my 2c worth.
Regards Hartmut

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