I have been upgrading the Jamfiles for the date_time library have
a couple questions:

1) I have a need to build tests with different compile options.
For example consider the following example where the tests
are the same, but the compile options are different.

   test-suite date_time_gregorian
   [ run gregorian/testdate.cpp
     <lib>../build/boost_date_time : : : <define>DATE_TIME_INLINE ]

   test-suite date_time_gregrian_no_inline
   [ run gregorian/testdate.cpp
     <lib>../build/boost_date_time ]

Is there some way to do this?

2) I notice that some Jamfile.v2 files showing up.  When
is this going live, and is there something library
authors need to do to keep these up to date?

3) Is there a way to get verbose output when the test
is run?  I realize the data is output into a file, but
when I am testing changes I like to run the whole test
suite output into a single file which I can grep and 
scan quickly.  


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