On Tuesday 21 January 2003 12:42, John Maddock wrote:
> I missed that, the || !defined(BOOST_STRICT_CONFIG) part should not be
> present against a version check that is clearly not the most recent
> compiler version.  Looks like we need someone to run the configure script
> on the most recent compiler version and report the results.
Here's the output of a ./configure run. It's substantially different from the 
current hp_acc.hpp though ;-??

*** ./configure: boost configuration utility ***

Please stand by while exploring compiler capabilities...
Be patient - this could take some time...

Note that this test script only gives an approximate
configuration - you will need to test the results carefully
using the boost regresion test suite before using the results.


Info : .cpp used as extension for tests
checking for boost main tree... ./../..
checking for C++ compiler default output... a.out
checking whether the C++ compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... no
checking whether aCC accepts -g... yes
checking for pthread_exit in -lpthread... yes
checking for cos in -lm... yes
checking for clock in -lrt... no
checking  Koenig lookup ... OK
checking  std::auto_ptr ... OK
checking  Full partial specialization support. ... OK
checking  functions in <ctype.h> ... OK
checking  template specialisations of cv-qualified types ... OK
checking  template specialisations of cv-qualified void ... OK
checking  <wchar.h> and <cwchar> ... OK
checking  <wctype.h> and <cwctype> ... OK
checking  deduced typenames ... OK
checking  dependent nested template classes ... OK
checking  dependent non-type template parameters ... Failed
checking  <exception> is in namespace std ... OK
checking  exception handling support ... OK
checking  non-deduced function template parameters ... OK
checking  no function template ordering ... OK
checking  std::numeric_limits<__int64> ... OK
checking  inline member constant initialisation ... OK
checking  long long and integral constant expressions ... OK
checking  template iterator-constructors ... OK
checking  <limits> ... OK
checking  compile time constants in <limits> ... OK
checking  std::numeric_limits<long long> ... OK
checking  Specialisation of individual member functions. ... OK
checking  member templates keyword ... OK
checking  member template friends ... OK
checking  member templates ... OK
checking  friend operators in namespace ... OK
checking  partial specialisation ... OK
checking  private in aggregate types ... OK
checking  pointers to const member functions ... OK
checking  detection of unreachable returns ... OK
checking  <sstream> ... Failed
checking  std::allocator ... Failed
checking  std::distance ... OK
checking  std::iterator_traits ... OK
checking  std::iterator ... OK
checking  std::locale ... OK
checking  std::messages<charT> ... OK
checking  std::min and std::max ... OK
checking  That the std output iterators are assignable ... OK
checking  std::use_facet ... OK
checking  std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t> ... OK
checking  std::wstring ... OK
checking  std:: namespace for C API's ... OK
checking  swprintf ... Failed
checking  template template paramters. ... Failed
checking  using template declarations ... OK
checking  no void returns ... OK
checking  intrinsic wchar_t ... OK
checking  two argument version of use_facet... no
checking  BeOS Threads... no
checking  clock_gettime... Yes
checking  <dirent.h>... Yes
checking  GetSystemTimeAsFileTime... no
checking  gettimeofday... Yes
checking  <hashset> and <hashmap>... no
checking  long long... Yes
checking  macro version of use_facet: _USE... no
checking  __int64... no
checking  nanosleep... Yes
checking  <nl_types.h>... Yes
checking  Named return value optimisation.... no
checking  limited std::allocator support... Yes
checking  pthread_delay_np... no
checking  pthread_mutexattr_settype... Yes
checking  pthread_yield... no
checking  POSIX Threads... Yes
checking  sched_yield... Yes
checking  SGI style <type_traits.h>... no
checking  <slist>... no
checking  stdint.h... no
checking  STLport version of use_facet... no
checking  <unistd.h>... Yes
checking  microsoft member templates... Yes
checking  microsoft's version of std::iterator... no
checking  MS Windows threads... no
checking original configuration ... done
checking new configuration ... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: executing default commands

Adjustments to boost configuration have been written to
user.hpp, copy this to boost/config/user.hpp to use "as is",
or define BOOST_SITE_CONFIG to point to its location.

Autoconf generated options are not infallible!

//  (C) Copyright Boost.org 2001.
//  Do not check in modified versions of this file,
//  This file may be customised by the end user, but not by boost.

//  Use this file to define a site and compiler specific
//  configuration policy, this version was auto-generated by
//  configure on Tue Jan 21 16:56:34 WET 2003
//  With the following options:
//    CXX      = aCC
//    CXXFLAGS = -I./../.. -I./../../libs/config/test -g -DBOOST_NO_CONFIG
//    LDFLAGS  = 
//    LIBS     = -lm -lpthread 

// define this to disable all config options,
// excluding the user config.  Use if your
// setup is fully ISO complient, and has no
// useful extentions, or for autoconf generated
// setups:

// define if you want to disable threading support, even
// when available:

// define if you want the regex library to use the C locale
// even on Win32:

// define this is you want the regex library to use the C++
// locale:

// options added by configure:
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