>From: "David Abrahams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "Andrei Alexandrescu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Or (barring my lack of mastering some syntactic details):
> >
> > inline void do_my_function(string&, void_) {}
> >
> > template <class Lst>
> > inline void do_my_function(string& s, Lst lst)
> > {
> >     my_function<front<Lst>::type>(s);
> >     do_my_function(s, pop_front<Lst>::type());
> > }
> > ...
> > do_my_function(s, my_list());
> >
> > No struct, no for_each, no operator(). Et que le meilleur gagne :o).
> Yeah, I haven't always been very comfortable with the
> value-per-character of mpl::for_each -- it seems to have similar
> properties to std::for_each in that way.

Perhaps it might be possible to do some compile-time/run-time lambda
(similar to Boost.Lambda for runtime, and MPL's lambda), so you could do
something like:


It would then transform the function call "my_function<_>(s)" into an
instantiated function object of the kind suitable for mpl::for_each.

That would collapse the 7 or 12-line solution to one line. :)



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