This is interesting stuff, but I think you should checkout Emily Winch's
more general compile-time associative list implementation also.
( seems to be
the latest)

What's the status of the Emily's lib btw? Is an MPL/Boost integration under

"Jason House" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I tried to do the following implementation in visual studio 6 to see if
> I could get a named pair class.
> I tried a number of approaches, but none worked with my compiler.  Is my
> approach fundamentally flawed?
> I think that something like this would be a useful utility to have.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to improve the class?
> ********************************
> template <typename _T1, int _Name1, typename _T2, int _Name2>
> class named_pair{
>   public:
>   template <int _Name>
>   class var{};
>   class var<_Name1>{
>   public:
>     _T1 value;
>   }
>   class var<_Name2>{
>     _T2 value;
>   }
> };
> enum{  Cash,  Name  };
> void main(int argc, char *argv[]){
>   named_pair<float, Cash, char*, Name> foobar;
>   foobar.var<Cash>.value = 32.2;
>   foobar.var<Name>.value = "Fred";
> }

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