On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 16:25:40 -0800, "Andrei Alexandrescu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> inline void do_my_function(string&, void_) {}
> template <class Lst>
> inline void do_my_function(string& s, Lst lst)
> {
>     my_function<front<Lst>::type>(s);
>     do_my_function(s, pop_front<Lst>::type());
> }
> ....
> do_my_function(s, my_list());

This is interesting as it also gives run-time control of how much of the list
is iterated over.


template <class Lst>
inline void do_my_function(string& s, Lst lst)
   if (!my_function<front<Lst>::type>(s))
      do_my_function(s, pop_front<Lst>::type());

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