On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, David Abrahams wrote:
> I've been watching this thread go by; kept a bunch of messages in my
> inbox because I didn't know what to make of them, and now I realize I
> still don't.  It looks like there is going to be a big learning curve
> for me; I have practically no XML/XSLT experience to begin with, not
> to mention that I don't understand lots of other issues.  Should I be
> doing something other than sitting on the sidelines?
> -Dave

You won't need to know any XSLT unless you want to introduce additional
features into BoostBook.

The learning curve for XML is practically nonexistant. There's a few lines
of boilerplate code for identifying a particular document as a BoostBook
document. From there on, it's just a matter of matching tags :). I've
found XML tools to be quite good: parser error messages are generally
quite obvious, and some text editors can help avoid lots of dumb mistakes.

In the next few days I'll be writing a tutorial on BoostBook, describing
the documentation of a small library (boost::any). That should drastically
reduce the hassle of learning BoostBook, and make it feasible for others
to try it out.


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