"William E. Kempf" wrote:

> Yes, this is trivially implemented with boost::thread_specific_ptr<>.
> Well, it may require the use of boost::once() as well, which complicates
> things a little, but it's not that bad.  As for language extensions,
> that's still being thought on.

Thanks, now I know what to look for, we'll see what 'trivial' means when
approaching the topic cold <g>

Hopefully I should be able to get some feedback by the end of the week
[boost::thread has been hovering near to top of my 'to-do' stack for at
least 12 months now, but I *think* we're about there at last...]

> Creating the singleton on the "stack" will require a bit more effort
> (possibly with a function object adapter to create the instance?), but is
> still feasable.

This is where I was referring to the language part.  I understand that
the main focus is to clarify how C++ will work in a multi-threaded
environment (which the current standard chooses to ignore completely)
rather than providing all sorts of funky extensions to support who knows
what.  In this case I am merely seeking clarification for how we create
'global' objects within the stack of spawned threads, or even if it
should be possible.  That is heading way over to comp.lang.c++.std
territory though, and my newsfeed for that group is broken :¬ (

So long as the issues are addressed I am content, and you seem to have
matters in hand <g>

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