>From: "Terje Slettebų" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >From: "Rani Sharoni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Before changing the documentation please consider the following improved
> > implemetation that overcomes ambiguity and access control issues of the
> > current is_base_and_derived implemetation (I lately posted it to
> c.l.c++.m)
> > :
> >
> > template <typename B, typename D>
> > struct is_base_and_derived
> > {
> > private:
> >     typedef char (&yes)[1];
> >     typedef char (&no) [2];
> >
> >     template<typename T>
> >     static yes check(D const volatile &, T);
> >     static no  check(B const volatile &, int);
> >
> >     struct C
> >     {
> >         operator B const volatile &() const;
> >         operator D const volatile &();
> >     };
> >
> >     static C getC();
> > public:
> >     static const bool result =
> >         sizeof(check(getC(), 0)) == sizeof(yes);
> > };
> >
> > Additional specializations needed (e.g. void and reference types)
> Very nice, Rani. Very clever. :)
> It's interesting that, according to your clc++m posting, the inspiration
> this came from Andrei Alexandrescu's article on Mojo, who also came up
> Loki's SuperSubclass trait. Dave Abrahams is also credited in the thread,
> for contributing to the above technique.

The technique the above is based on is also very clever, of course. :)

> As I understand, the reason it works for multiple occurrences of the same
> base class is that it's not asking for D's B subobject, but instead for a
> conversion to _a_ B (any B).

After I sent this I came to wonder how this works, after all, and I found
that the actual conversion done is C to D, not D to B, but the end result is
that it means D is derived from B.

In the previous posting, I didn't want to repeat the explanation given in
the Vandevoorde posting that Rani gives link to in the clc++m posting
.google.com). However, as Rani's code uses the technique there, with a few
twists, I thought it could be useful to give a better explanation of its
workings than my previous posting (which was mostly a sketch, to not repeat
the mentioned posting, but thanks for the acknowledgement, Dave A.). So here

Let's take the multiple base class mentioned above, as an example, and the
following will also show why there's not a problem with ambiguous base

struct B {};
struct B1 : B {};
struct B2 : B {};
struct D : B1, private B2 {};

typedef char Test[is_base_and_derived<B, D>::result]; // improvement 1 -
multiple base

We have several possible conversion sequences:

For "static no check(B const volatile &, int)" we have the conversion
sequences C -> C const -> B and C -> D -> B1/B2 -> B
For "static yes check(D const volatile &, T)" we have the conversion
sequence C -> D

Since, for the purpose of selecting the appropriate user-defined conversion
for a given function, it only considers up to the user-defined conversion,
for the first function this means choosing between C -> C const and C -> C,
and it chooses the latter. Therefore, we have:

C -> D -> B1/B2 -> B
C -> D

Here, the principle of the "shortest subsequence" applies, and it chooses
C -> D. This shows that it doesn't even need to consider the multiple paths
to B, as that possibility is eliminated before it could possibly cause
ambiguity. Nifty. :)

As Daveed notes in the posting Rani gives a link to in the clc++m posting,
if D is not derived from B, it has to choose between C -> C const -> B for
the first function, and C -> D for the second function, which are just as
good, _had it not been for the fact that "static no check(B const volatile
&, int)" is not templated (as Rani points out in the posting)_, which makes
C -> C const B the best choice, resulting in "no".

Also, if C::operator B hadn't been const, the two conversion sequences for
"static no check(B const volatile &, int)" would have been ambiguous.



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