Somewhere in the E.U., le 30/01/2003


In article <005b01c2c87b$f8d90520$1d00a8c0@pdimov2>,
 "Peter Dimov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: "Hubert Holin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [...]
> > but if I have a templated functions instead
> >
> >    template<typename T>
> >    void  ft(int)
> >    {
> >    }
> >
> > then the following invocation will not compile
> >
> >    test->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(::boost::bind(&ft<int>, 1)));
> This is a C++ problem. You may need to first create a function pointer:
> void (*pf) (int) = &ft<int>;

      OK, this works. I shudder to think of the reasons why... 

> and then use bind(pf, 1). The other option is to turn ft into a function
> object.

      Sigh... I started the first thread while trying to use a templated 
function object...

      I guess it would help if the syntax for all four possibilities 
(normal function, templated function, normal function object templated 
function object) made it into the Boost.Test documentation.

   At any rate thank you very much!


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