--- David Abrahams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can do that, but IIUC it won't get you where Genny's trying to go:
> namely that if static_log2 happens to get adjusted so its parameter is
> an unsigned long long constant, you can detect that without causing an
> error.

No. Because in the real code I would have written:

  // actually in namespace detail
  typedef unsigned long static_log2_arg_type; // (*)

  template <static_log2_arg_type N>
  struct static_log2 {};

  template <class T>
  struct argument_type;

  template < static_log2_arg_type x > // ***
  struct argument_type< static_log2<x> > {
     typedef static_log2_arg_type type;

and the only point subject to modification would have been (*). My problem was
just that I don't like to specify a value when retrieving the argument type.


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