"David Abrahams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [...]
> That's called boost::compressed_pair.

Right.  The generality of compressed_pair kept me from seeing that
rather obvious fact.

> [...]
> There is no such thing as empty member optimization.

Hmm...that's odd, because bcc includes a switch to turn it on.  Given
how poor it is at most optimization, I assumed that surely this was a
standard thing.  Guess not.

> > [...]
> > I mean, the optimally_inherit eliminates the empty bases, and yet
> > there is size bloat.  So VC++ makes the class bigger for some
> > other reason than that it has empty bases.  I will try to write some
> > tests to see why that is, or at least how.
> I repeat, I bet it's MI-related.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.


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