>From: "Jason House" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Terje Slettebų wrote:
> > and given this:
> >
> > int main()
> > {
> > char board[3][3]=
> > {
> > {'O','X','O'},
> > {'X','X','O'},
> > {'O','O','X'}
> > };
> >
> > std::cout << io_format<char (&)[3]>("\n|","|\n","|")
> >           << io_format<char (&)[3][3]>("-------","-------","-------")
> >           << board << '\n';
> > }
> >
> > we get:
> >
> > -------
> > |O|X|O|
> > -------
> > |X|X|O|
> > -------
> > |O|O|X|
> > -------
> Hey, that's pretty cool.  I'm glad to see the ability to format items
> inside of a container as well.

I'm glad you like. :) Yes, it applies operator<< recursively, using
overloading, and any format settings for the given type, so for the outer
array, it matches the second format above, and for the inner it matches the
first one.

> It should handle maps and pairs
> reasonably well.  I think that I have the same complaints about this as
> io_manip
> The saving of information to the stream means that you can affect all
> future output...
> For instance, if you have a type
> map<custom_object, list<string> >
> and custom_object's stream output uses io_format<list<string> >, then
> you are going to run into trouble if it wants a different formatting.

Right. That's a consequence of this. As you say too, I don't know any
obvious alternatives, though.



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