>From: "Larry Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Terje Slettebų wrote:
> >>From: "Vladimir Prus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >>Terje Slettebų wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> > std::cout << io_format<char (&)[3]>("\n|","|\n","|")
> >           << io_format<char (&)[3][3]>("-------","-------","-------")
> >           << board << '\n';
> > }
> >
> > we get:
> >
> > -------
> > |O|X|O|
> > -------
> > |X|X|O|
> > -------
> > |O|O|X|
> > -------
> I've used marg_ostream to format output for containers; however,
> it only used something that changed the margin.  I had to
> use an ostream<< for the particular composite to get it to work.
> However, being able to adjust the margin seems useful for
> formating most code.  Looking at the code might give you
> some more ideas about your io_format.  Unfortunately, marg_ostream
> requires wrapping the cout in a marg_ostream.
> Anyhow, the code is in boost files in
> in boost/col_io directory.  Basically, marg_ostream++ increments the
> margin and marg_ostream-- decrements the margin.  You can also specify
> what's in the margin.  This was used to show the nesting in a fortran
> program in a parallelizing compiler.

Thanks for the tip. I'll look into it.



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