On Tue, 04 Feb 2003 00:02:30 +0000, Alisdair Meredith

>The two defects are:
>The various std::isdigit, islower, isalnum etc. convenience functions
>will not compile.

Please could you post a concrete example?

>Second problem is with the STLport implementation of the STL.  This
>places all std names into the namespace _STL and uses macro-magic to
>make this look like std.  Unfortunately, for reason I have not fully
>determined, that magic sometimes comes up short.
>Often the fix is to add a using directive:
>using std::swap;
>swap( a, b );
>Sometimes the fix is to explicitly specify namespace _STL instead.
>_STL::swap( a, b );

Could you post a reproducible test case? Have you checked what does
_STL expand to in your specific case?

>There are cases where either fix works, and specific cases where only
>one form or the other works.

I think the best thing to do here is to post some complete examples.
It's difficult to suggest solutions, or even seeing if solution
suggested by others are ok, when all you have is a vague description
of the problem ('there are cases', 'often', 'sometimes', etc.).


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