This is a request for anyone who is willing and able to help finish
writing the tests for policy_ptr in the sandbox.  I'm afraid that I
just don't have the time to dedicate to this library to come
anywhere close to the April meeting of the LWG (or whoever it
is that's meeting).  While most of the basic functionality for the
default configuration should be covered by the tests I've written,
none of the other policy configurations have been seriously tested.
The one that has, destructive_copy, does not give the desired size
on bcc.  That's a serious problem that I have not had time to
investigate.  I imagine that the checking policies will not present
any trouble.  The conversion policy might be troublesome, as it
seems that bcc and VC++ don't like the funky implicit conversion
operator much.  The array storage policy hasn't been tested at
all.  The no_copy policy should not be problematic except for
the size.  The deep_copy policy should be similar.

I wanted to implement mojo_ptr, but did not have the time.  It
should be possible to do so as a storage policy, but I didn't
investigate it seriously.  The platforms I tested on are bcc 5.5.1,
gcc 3.0, and VC++ 6.5.  It's probably wishful thinking to believe
that the library can get finished and reviewed by mid-March, but
that would be a nice goal to achieve.  I would like to apologize
to Andrei for not being as diligent with this library as it deserves,
and I hope there's still a chance for it to be considered for the
next version of the standard library.


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