Alexander Terekhov wrote:

> Peter Dimov wrote:
> [...]
>> You are missing the fact that nobody (even Google) has a clue as to what
>> pthread_refcount_enroll_one is/does. ;-)

> Ah. Sorry. Basically it's a rather simple "CAS"- ["compare-and-swap"] 
> or "LL/SC"- [load-locked/store-conditional] based operation; in terms 
> of proposed Java-atomics(*): <behaviorally, error checking aside>

> extern "C" int pthread_refcount_enroll_one(pthread_refcount_t* rc) {
>   size_t value;
>   do {
>     if ( 0 == (value = rc->__get()) )
>   } while (!rc->__attemptUpdate(value, value + 1));
>   return 0;
> }

> regards,
> alexander.

> (*) [but WITHOUT any memory synchronization/barriers for _enroll_*()]
>     (Subject: Re: rwlock using pthread_cond (or Win32 events) [last
>     link retired; stuff is available here: <>])

pthread_refcount_enroll_one() (== "increment_if_non_zero()") may be
emulated in Win32 (using InterlockedCompareExchange()).

The problem is what to do on e.g. current Unix'es + GCC.
Alternatives are either wait for pthread_refcount_t in many pthreads
implementations or to explicitly use inline assembler(s).

Other alternatives?

The problem is so obvious that the question may be thought rhetorical.
But I really ask whether you have some suggestions.


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