Gary Gale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've noticed that toolsets for the Sun WorkShop C++ compiler, both with and
> without STLport support have appeared in boost/tools/build/.
> Does anyone on the list have any indication as to when this compiler will
> make it to "fully supported" status?
> I've seen previous mailings that suggest that support for the WorkShop
> compiler is in progress; if other list members are actively following this
> up then I'd be happy to join in (as deadlines permit of course!).

We don't really have a notion of "fully supported" here, except on a
library-by-library basis at the discretion of individual developers.

That said, the level of support for Sun compilers is likely to depend
on two things in the future:

   1. Sun's willingness to address the serious bugs in their compiler
      implementation which prevent much progress at all from being
      made.  Given a reasonably well-conforming compiler, little
      specific attention should be needed in order to get most things
      working well.

   2. Someone stepping up to run regular regression tests on Sun, and
      someone at Boost getting them set up to do it.  I believe
      someone at Mentor Graphics volunteered to run the tests, but I
      think we may have dropped the ball on our side.


Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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