Fernando Cacciola wrote:
> OK, I can see the motivation: We can have a noncopyable class
> and need an optional object of it.
> Following optional semantics, it would be spelled:
> boost::optional<RAII_lock> lock;
> if ( cond )
>   lock.reset( RAII_lock(entity) ) ;
> But there is a probem: as William pointed out, reset() _needs_
> to use T::T(T const&) in order acquire its own copy of the object;
> but in this case is noncopyable, so the above won't compile.



> > * Secondly, you would need a templated constructor to allow T to be
> > constructed using another type.
> >
> Exactly.
> One possibility would be add additional templated ctor and reset 
> that just forward the arguments to T's contructor (optional's interface 
> could use a trailing tag to differentiate these).
> A problem with this is that the Argument Forwarding problem is burried
> into optional's itself.

I think it's more of a language problem than anything else. I mean, there is

nothing conceptually wrong with allowing 'optional' to support something
like 'opt.construct(a1,...,an)', IMO; only implementation ugliness.

> Another approach would be to create a generic delay-factory 
> object and just let optional use it:
> Something like:
> template<class T, class A0>
> struct in_place_factory0
> {
>   in_place_factory0 ( A0& a0_ ) : a0(a0_) {}
>   T* operator() ( void* address ) const { return new 
> (address) T(a0) ; }
>   A0& a0 ;
> } ;
> template<class T, class A0>
> in_place_factory0<T,A0> in_place ( A0& a0 ) { return
> in_place_factory0<T,A0>(a0) ; }
> which requires the following changes in optional<>:
>   template<class T>
>   class optional
>   {
>     public :
>       ....
>       template<class Factory>
>       explicit optional ( Factory f )
>         :
>         m_initialized(false)
>       {
>         construct_inplace(f);
>       }
>       ...
>     private :
>       template<class Factory>
>       void construct_inplace ( Factory f )
>        {
>          f(m_storage.address());
>          m_initialized = true ;
>        }
>   } ;
> The above would allow something like this:
> optional<RAII_lock> l( in_place<RAII_lock>(entity) );
> If the same in-place idiom is used on reset(), the complete
> solution will look, following optional<>'s way:
> boost::optional<RAII_lock> lock;
> if ( cond )
>   lock.reset( in_place(entity) );
> What do you think?

Well, it's a little too verbose and un-idiomatic than I would hope for.

May be my original desire to re-use 'optional' in this context was
ill-conceived, and what I really need is a separate 'optional_lock' class -
which, although definitely similar, will be significantly simpler than
'optional' itself. Although

    boost::optional<scoped_lock> lock(cond, entity);

definitely seemed so intuitive and close.

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