At 09:18 PM 2/13/2003, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:

>> No, it is some sort of configuration problem.
>Look on "metrowerks linking errors" thread. It about the same issue with
>different undefined symbol

I have a vague memory of that, but can't find the thread. Can you be more specific?

In the meantime, I'm working around the problem on my local machine by inactivating the crtdbg stuff for Metrowerks.

I've also posted a message on the Metrowerks Win32 newsgroup (see below).


The Boost Test library recently added an additional use of the CRT debug facilities (crtdbg.h). Using the command line tools, this resulted in a linker error:

### mwld Linker Error: # Undefined symbol: '__declspec(dllimport) __CrtSetReportHook (__imp___CrtSetReportHook)' # referenced from 'int boost::execution_monitor::execute(bool, int) (?execute@execution_monitor@boost@@QAEH_NH@Z)' in execution_monitor.cpp:192

The linker environment variables look like this:

MWWinx86Libraries=+C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\MSL;+C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\Win32-x86 Support; MWWinx86LibraryFiles=MSL_C_x86.lib;MSL_Extras_x86.lib;MSL_Runtime_x86.lib;MSL_C++_x86.lib;gdi32.lib;user32.lib;kernel32.lib;

What needs to be changed to resolve this error? Is there a way to prevent errors like this in the future? This is the second or third time use of names from a Metrowerks supplied header has caused linker errors. The same code worked without manual intervention on the Borland, Microsoft, and Intel compilers. Although in many ways the Metrowerks compiler is superior, the Metrowerks linker seems to be behind the other vendors in this respect.



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