At 12:04 AM 2/17/2003, Douglas Gregor wrote:

>I've removed the HTML-only documentation for these three libraries from
>CVS, as the documentation for each is now maintained in BoostBook.
><libraryname>/index.html forwarding documents are in place to get to the
>generated documentation (in doc/html), and when we near the release I will
>provide a tarball/zip archive of the generated HTML, the contents of which
>should be extracted into $BOOST_ROOT before it is archived for release.
>Any questions/problems/objections/requests?

Ouch! That means the current HTML docs for these libraries aren't available to Boosters who depend on CVS to keep up-to-date, or to the inspect program, or any other operations that depends on the CVS tree including an exact representation of what a release would look like.

I think you need to develop a procedure so that a documentation change is reflected in the CVS doc/html files right away.


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