Gennaro Prota wrote:

On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 12:06:51 +0100, Markus Schöpflin

Hi there,

currently, dynamic bitset tests fail for VA6 because the library doesn't correctly detect that a standard compliant allocator is available.

Therefore I propose the attached patch to be applied to boost/detail/dynamic_bitset.hpp. The patch uses BOOST_NO_STD_ALLOCATOR to check if a workaround is needed. It only tries to use the workaround if BOOST_NO_STD_ALLOCATOR is defined.
Seems like the main branch hasn't been updated: the 1.29.0 version
doesn't have the #if anymore. BTW, the error messages at

clearly show that a candidate with two parameters does exist. Is it
really an allocator conformance issue or rather a compiler bug? Does

 allocate(calc_num_blocks(num_bits), static_cast<const Block *>(0))

I think I now remember reporting this problem for the 1.29.0 release and you even requested me to check something to work around this problem back in December and I forgot all about it. :-( Seems I need a memory upgrade for my brain.

You are right, it's a conformance problem with VA6, at least on my installation. But the fix on the 1.29.0 branch should work. Could you please merge it to the main trunk?


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