Ronald Garcia wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like your library is adding names
> (like guarded_size) to the boost::mpl namespace.  Is that your intention?
> For that matter, is the mpl namespace for all metaprograms, or just those
> associated with the MPL library?  Would your additions be generally useful
> for other libraries?

You're correct. My intention was that the additions (guarded_size and
guarded_distance) would be generally useful additions to the MPL, and that
is why I coded them as such.

I didn't want to force the issue without discussing with Aleksey first
though. Problem is I had some trouble moving the two metafunctions to
boost::detail::variant::mpl because of the way the MPL workaround macros
work. The problem you noticed was a result of a partial change in this

Thus, if variant is accepted, either 1) Aleksey would agree to adding these
components, or 2) I would determine a suitable way to move them into the
detail namespace.


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