"Philippe A. Bouchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Philippe A. Bouchard wrote:
> [...]
>> Example:
>> optional<int> i;
>> new (i) int(17);
> Ex. 1:
> // Class Widget has a heavy copy constructor
> optional<Widget> i;
> new (i) Widget(this, ...);

Soo... what are you demonstrating here?  Please spell it out. Normal
construction of a widget in optional<Widget> incurs a copy?
> Ex. 2:
> // The object A is aligned like a char
> struct A
> {
>     char c_;
>     A() : c_('\0') {}
>     A(char a_c) : c_(a_c) {}
> };
> optional<char> array[50];
> for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++ i)
> {
>     new (array[i]) A(' ');
> }

Soo... what are you demonstrating here?  Please spell it out. The
bool in optional that indicates initialization incurs space/alignment

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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