David B. Held wrote:


> and then just store Base*, but this requires explicit run-time
> checking of types which would otherwise be automatic with pointers to
> T instead of optional<T>.  If this is the only solution, so be it;
> but any clever alternatives are welcome.

This example is not objective at all, but I think it would be possible to
add a convertion operator which will decide if the cast is acceptable or
not.  It is not meant for pointers, but reference types:

struct A
    virtual ~A() {}

struct B : A

struct C

template <typename T>
    struct optional
        template <typename U>
            operator optional<U> const () const
                return * reinterpret_cast<optional<U> const *>(static_cast<U
const *>(reinterpret_cast<T const *>(storage_)));


void foo(optional<A> const &)

int main()
    optional<B> b;
    optional<C> c;


Philippe A. Bouchard

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