FYI I've submitted it as QC#3629


Paul Mensonides wrote:
Russell Hind wrote:

Sorry to say that the output is now incorrect.  A2 instead of A 2.
Checking the preprocessor output for this gives

/* Unit1.cpp 9: */int main() {
/* Unit1.cpp 10: */std::cout << "A 2" << &std::endl;
/* Unit1.cpp 11: */return 0;

which is again correct.  This is strange since I thought that bcc32
just supposed to call cpp32 for the pre-processing.  I can submit this
as a bug to Borlands QualityCentral if you like (but don't hold your


I'm not surprised, but I was hoping....  If they fixed this bug, Borland would
be able to use the "strict" configuration of the pp-lib.  I'd still need the
same hacked configuration for Sun and IBM (they have similar bugs), but at least
Borland's wouldn't need it.

Please do submit a bug report.  I think they've already gotten this one before
though, so I'm not holding my breath. ;)

Thanks again for the help,
Paul Mensonides

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