"Andrei Alexandrescu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "David Abrahams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Once again, the case was:
>>     {
>>         aligned_storage<T>::type storage;
>>         new ((void*)&storage) T(x, y, z); // throws
>>         // ~aligned_storage<T>() destroys non-existent T
>>     }
> You mean "~aligned_storage<T>::type() destroys non-existent T"?

Actually, I meant this:

            aligned_storage<T> storage;

            new ((void*)&storage.bytes) T(x, y, z); // throws

            // ~aligned_storage<T>() destroys non-existent T

Phillipe was proposing to give ~aligned_storage<T> responsibility for
destroying the contained object, which doesn't work, no matter how
you (mis)spell it ;-)

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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