Hi Bootsters,

I have a problem that, I think, is worth of discussion.

When developing a library I came to a to a need of a trait class, containing properties
of different containers.

There is a default behavior and a specialization for different stl containers like 
basic_string and etc.

To make the specialiazation, I have to include all the headers for specific containers 
if they are not used by the user code. ( trait class template does not gets 
for the specific container ). 

I have tried to make forward declaration of std::vector and alike, but it does not 
work all the time,
and, I think it is even forbiden by some compilers.

My question is: 
        Is there a correct way how to avoid these unwanted inclusions?

Or more specificaly:
   How to define a partial specialization for a specific type, without including its 
full definition?


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