vc wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have to port a Linux application that is using spirit on the VS.
> NET 2003. Unfortunately
> the current release of the spirit is crashing the VC++ 2003 compiler,

You mean VC7.1 is crashing?

> so I asked the spirit
> guys when the next version (1.5.2) will be released.
> Their answer was that the next version will be released together with
> boost, so I would like to know
> when the new version of boost (1.30) will be released, if there is
> already a date set for this?

You can get the beta 1.30.0 here. It has Spirit v1.5.2:

I also wish to ask until when the beta will run. I think the beta is
a good idea. Hopefully some unforseen problems will be caught.
When the final 1.30.0 will be released, I wish to bump the Spirit
version bundled with Boost 1.30.0 to v1.6.0 (a stable release)
Spirit v1.5.2 (developmental) version will still be released in parallel 
(at All new (and experimental) stuff will take place on 
the 1.5.x branch. By convention, Spirit stable releases have even
numbered minor versions while developmental releases have
odd numbered versions. It makes sense to include only the stable
versions to Boost final releases. As of now, all the experimental
(and unstable) parts of the library has been removed.

Thoughts? Martin, Hartmut, Dan?

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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