vc wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am using the VS .NET 2003 (VC7.1) on Windows 2000 and I'm porting
>> a Linux application on Windows. I got the BETA sources
>> (
>> and I give it a try, but the compiler stops with the "Buffer overrun
>> detected!" error (see Vccrash.jpg attached).
>> For being easier to duplicate, attached is also a sample (see
>> that has this behavior.
>> I have to mention that on 2003.02.18 I took the spirit sources from
>> the cvs, and this sample compiles
>> fine with those sources. That is why I assume that this is a new
>> added problem into the spirit sources.
>> As a summary, when using:
>> - version 1.29 of boost and cvs sources of spirit from 2003.02.18 =>
>> the sample compiles ok
>> - boost 1.30 beta (boost and spirit) => the sample is not compiling
>> ok 
>> Can you tell me please if this is indeed a spirit problem or not?

What compiler errors are you getting? If it's the attached "Buffer overrun 
detected!" error, then that's clearly a VC7.1 compiler bug.

Anyway, since this is clearly a Spirit support related question, please
post your reply to Spirit-general mailing list:

Let's continue our discussion there.

See 'ya,
Joel de Guzman
joel at

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