At 10:36 AM 3/11/2003, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:
>> > P.S. Could you, please, clarify for me again what is the purpose of
>> > tag? How does it related to the fixes I made in trunk after branch is
>> > created?
>> The tag marks the last trunk revision that has been merged into the
>> branch, so that when you do a merge to the branch you can always do
>>         cvs up -jmerged_to_RC_whatever -jHEAD
>> Then when you switch back to the trunk (HEAD) you move the
>> merged_to_RC_whatever tag to point at the HEAD again.
>Imagine I change the file abc.cpp.
>1. I commited it im main trank: cvs commit abc.cpp
>2. I tag it with merged_to_RC_whatever tag (? this is not in a procedure
>right now)

No! abc.cpp will already have been tagged with merged_to_RC_whatever by the release manager (or by you, if you had previously applied a fix according to the procedure.)

>3. I merge it to the release branch
>Additionally if I need to change it again, before step 2 Iwill nedd to
>untag it: cvs tag -d merged_to_RC_whatever, which is also is not in release
>procedure right now.
>Did I get it correct?

No. AFAIK, the release procedure is correct as written, modulo typos. I've been using the WinCVS version repeatedly for the better part of a week now, and it is working like a charm. Much easier than previous procedures.

Please look at the procedure again and see if it is still unclear.



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