Dear Boosters,

Unfortunately we could not test 1.30 extensively and thus found a problem with the current Boost sources just after a release.

When trying to compile the filesystem library with KAI C++ we encounter a problem in

It seems that the workaround is needed also for KCC, since otherwise we get the error message

line 126: error:
          expression must have (pointer-to-) function type
      BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value =

Looking at the #if before this version I find:

&& !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__EDG_VERSION__, <= 238) && 0
// The EDG version number is a lower estimate.
// It is not currently known which EDG version
// exactly fixes the problem.

KAI C++ version 4.0f has an __EDG_VERSION__ of 243 but this still fails. Can 238 here be changed at least to 243?

Best regards,

Matthias Troyer

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