Beman Dawes wrote:

What systems work for others in an Internet environment like Boost? Who could act as host? I see the GCC folks are migrating from GNATS to Bugzilla.

Another group in our company uses BugZilla for an internal project, and I helped them out on it for a few months, and so had access to it. I liked it. Specifically:

All the comments are kept with the bug
It is easy to refer (and hyperlink) to other bugs in comments
revision history of a bug
attachments for bugs
Mark bugs as duplicates

I've not had any experience administering a bugzilla implementation though so can't really help there.

The only point they said about it was that it isn't very secure. Any one can create an account on it and start submitting bugs (AFAICR) but that isn't a problem with a project such as boost, IMHO. Which I guess its why it never bothered the Mozilla lot.



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