"Rozental, Gennadiy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> My contribution to the discussion is that I don't think supporting C++
>> language subsets is worth complicating the interface in the way you
>> propose.  Maybe lexical_cast<T*>(whatever) should return 0 on failure
>> and that should be enough for those who can't handle the exceptions we
>> want to throw... though I don't know how (or if) that interacts with
>> things like char const*.
> It's not that I could not handle the exception

You can't handle it if the exception includes type_info.

> (exception-less interface is another topic that should be discussed
> separately).  See my other post on consequences of including of
> <typeinfo>.

No, I am explicitly saying that if you want to avoid typeinfo maybe
you should also be forced to compromise and avoid exceptions too.  I
think that would have the least negative impact on the design and I
like the trade-off it implies.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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