On Monday, I attempted to run the Darwin regression tests off the main branch.

The tools failed to build - specifically "process_jam_log" failed to build, because
the filesystem library failed to compile.

In particular, "libs/filesystem/src/exception.cpp" failed on line 192 in
the constructor:

>       filesystem_error::filesystem_error(
>               const std::string & who,
>               const std::string & message )
>line 192-->    : std::runtime_error(
>                       other_error_prep( who, message ).c_str() ),
>                       m_sys_err(0), m_err(other_error), m_who(who)
>               {}

There are a couple of things here:
1) std::runtime_error is defined (for gcc, AFAICT) in <stdexcept>, but 
only includes <exception>.
--> This, IMHO, is the cause of the error.

2) filesystem_error is defined (in filesystem/exception.hpp) as inheriting from 
not std::runtime_error.
>           class filesystem_error : public std::exception
>               {

When I add the line "#include <stdexcept>" to exception.cpp, I get the following error 

../../../libs/filesystem/src/exception.cpp: In constructor 
   `boost::filesystem::filesystem_error::filesystem_error(const std::string&, 
   const std::string&)':
../../../libs/filesystem/src/exception.cpp:196: type `class std::runtime_error' 
   is not a direct base of `boost::filesystem::filesystem_error'

-- Marshall

Marshall Clow     Idio Software   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hey! Who messed with my anti-paranoia shot?
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